Tue Feb 5, 2002 - 11:03 AM EST - By Kenneth Crandall | |
has introduced the Q-Pad, a new PDA combination accessory, which combines the
function of a protective leather case, an integrated keyboard and a viewing
stand for and road warrior.
Currently, this device is only available for the Visor Edge, and the Palm Vx. The Q-Pad allows protection for your Edge along with a 60 key QWERTY keyboard and dedicated numeric pad. The Q-Pad also offers a stand to help prop up your edge on a desk while typing.
Important to Visor users, the Q-Pad allows for springboard modules, even larger ones like the VisorPhone. The Q-Pad will be sold for under $70 and will ship in early March 2002. Keep reading VisorCenrtal for a review sometime in the next few months.
Visit www.tdevice.com for more information.
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