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What is the built-in software?
The Visor has the same Address book, Mail program, To Do List, and Memopad software as the Palm series.
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The Visor has the same Address book, Mail program, To Do List, and Memopad software as the Palm series.
However, both the original Date Book software as well as an upgraded version called Date Book+ (which is a scaled down DateBk3 from Pimlico) are included. (Interestingly, it's listed as DateBk3h internally.) While the upgraded software is a significant improvement over the original Date Book, it does not support infrared beaming. Therefore the original Date Book must be used to beam its information. Fortunately, the two programs share the same database.
The built-in calculator is upgraded and contains many features like a scientific calculator, statistical calculator, and financial calculator, etc. The world clock function is a modified version of Code City's City Time 2.1.
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