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Office Depot Liquidating Visor Products
Office Depot closing out on Visor products.
According to this thread on VisorCentral Office Depot is trying to liquidate it's inventory of Handspring products and accesories. While this means one less place to buy Visors great deals have been found - these may or may not be replicated at your local Office Depot. This appears to have been going on for about a week, so make sure to head there ASAP or else it will all be gone. (that is the point of such drastic discounts, eh?) I'm going today myself to see if I can pick up some deals! :). Note that Office Depot has delisted all Visor related products from its website.
Targus Total Voice Recorder, Retail $99, at Office Depot for $24.99 (mdatl)
Stowaway, Retail $99, at Office Depot for $49 (mdatl)
8MB Flash, at Office Depot for $23.99 (mdatl)
Backup Module, Retail $39, at Office Depot for $11.88. (GSR13)
Prism Cradles, Retail $49.99, at Office Depot for ~$20.00 (GSR13)
While those deals are great, check out what VisorCentral user gdypiang found!
"Thanks to the Office Depot posts I have picked up the Backup Module for $5.88 and the Flash Module for $15.88. Yesterday I was looking for the Stowaway keyboard, and the asst. manager was ready to sell it to me for $37.50, but when I noticed 2 more, she sold them to me at $25 each. She also threw in 2 Tiger Woods games at $4 each."