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Why HAND is going up
Wondering why HAND stock is going up? Analysts are begining to release their reports on the Handspring. U.S. Bancorp Piper Jaffray gave Handspring a "Strong Buy" rating. From the press release:"We are initiating coverage of Handspring with a Strong Buy rating and a target price of $90 per share, which is based on a 17 times multiple of calendar 2001 revenues of $507 million," said May. "We believe the company has positioned itself as the innovative leader of PDAs and handheld devices. In addition, Handspring has strategically positioned its product line to exploit a market that we believe is going to witness incredible growth over the next three to five years." Credit Suisse First Boston, lead underwriter for Handspring's IPO, gave Handspring a "Buy" rating with Earnings Per Share estimates for Fiscal Year 2000 and 2001 being $(0.68) and $(0.60), respectively.
Here's another story from C|Net on the rise. All disclaimers about "forward looking" and "don't come crying to me if you lose your shirt" apply.