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Ir Port != Modem
While browsing for news, I happened upon this press release for w-Trade Technologies. Here is the opening sentence (emphasis is mine):w-Trade Technologies, a global provider of mobile business applications, today announced support for the Handspring™ Visor™ line of handhelds via the internal infrared modem, providing an additional platform from which users can access w-Trade Technologies' 19 mobile commerce, content, finance and communication applications. Companies who implement a w-Trade Technologies' wireless solution can further meet the needs of its mobile customers by enabling access to mission-critical applications at any time on the Visor family of handhelds. Looking at w-Trade Technologies' website, the company makes various wireless products such as email and chat software, and lists all of Palm's products as compatible. I think that either this is for use with a wireless device like the Minstrel, or the company is just saying that it works with the Ir-port on the Visor.