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Geode software update
Geodiscovery has released a software update for its Geode GPS module, as well as a standalone update for those using GeoView Mobile without the module. Here is an email I received from the company that includes a listing of what's new:It¹s here! GeoView Mobile 1.3 is now available for download at
Whether you are using a Geode GPS module with your Handspring Visor, or just GeoView Mobile with maps and city guides on your Palm OS handheld computer, be sure and go to and download this free software today!
This incredible new software will enhance the performance of your Geode GPS module though new features to the map menus such as new shortcuts, labels, menu items, faster displays and lots more.
Here is a list of the new features included in GeoView Mobile 1.3.- Geode On/Off controls
- Compass Enhancements
- US Customary Units
- LED Control
- New About Dialog
- Improved Target
- Improved Highlight
- New Menu Items
- New Shortcuts
- Hardware Preference Buttons
- Improved Map Interaction
- Battery Indicator Fix
For detailed descriptions of what these features will do, click here
In addition to these upgrades, we have also made our maps smaller so they take up less room on your handheld computer and are up to 40% faster! Go to and download the new, faster maps today!
Also, check out the new GeoDiscovery Store where you can purchase a Geode GPS module, rich travel guides, and the coolest GeoGear accessories for your Geode and Visor™. Click on the Store link at
We hope you¹re getting the most out of your GeoDiscovery experience by participating in our GeoForums and sharing terrific info with other users at GeoExchange.
We will continue to bring you great product updates, products and services. Check our website at often for the latest news and information. Also, be sure to sign up for our free monthly newsletter so that you¹re the first on the block to know!
GeoDiscovery I've been using the update for a while and the new features are great. Hopefully the company will release MMC and color support soon.