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Treo discount for Visorphone users
In a deal only available until March 3, Handspring will allow current Visorphone users who wish to upgrade to a Treo (and use their existing service plan) the opportunity to do so at a price of $399.
"When your new Treo arrives, simply swap in the active SIM card that's already in your VisorPhone and you'll be ready to make calls. Then transfer the data from your Visor handheld to your Treo communicator with a simple HotSync® operation and you'll be all set to go. "
To get the $150 discount: "Just buy a Treo 180 without service activation and enter your VisorPhone serial number when prompted. The discount will be automatically deducted in your shopping cart. "
Remember, this offer is only valid until March 3rd! Purchase through us to support one of the best handheld sites out there!

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