4.8 oz
Silver, Red, Blue
8 MB
33 Mhz
Palm OS 3.5.2.H
4.7" x 3.1" x .44"
Battery Type
Built in Lithium Ion battery
Availability Unknown
User Opinions |
67% |
33% |

great screen |
Such a clear, crisp screen. Great stylus. Fast. Beautiful. Sleek flip cover. Just wish the thing had a little card slot like the m500, and a better backlight. But still, a full thumbs up.
Anonymous |

Edge Stylus |
This is actually one of the best features on the new unit. I never used the premium stylus that fit in the visor slot with my deluxe. This one is so convenient and feels great in the hand. Great work here, Handspring
Anonymous |

Very Satisfied |
Went from VDx, to VPl, finally to VE. It's the best Visor yet. Solidly built, beautiful (although a gunmetal gray would have been great, silver was acceptable), extremely improved screen (which was the main reason I upgraded to the Edge; I was never satisfied with previous Visor screens, but the Edge's was much clearer; better that Palm's V/Vx to me because of the whiter background of the Edge). If I had complaints, it would be the awkwardness of removing and putting back the stylus (the stylus seperately in itself is another beautifully shaped sculpture), and the "fat" factor of the current Springboard adapter (but hopefully, the new modules that will fit directly into the Edge will resolve this issue in the near future). All in all, Handspring did a great job.
Anonymous |

disappointing |
Handspring is losing its edge in the marketplace. Handsrping is successful because it is a less expensive clone with a technical advantage (the springboard slot). The Edge doesn't offer either of these. It's not less expensive than the competition (m500) and, as a practical matter, the springboard slot is gone (I refuse to piggy back my soundsgood which I use all of the time).
Other than brand loyalty, why purchase the Edge over a M500, or an M505 in color for $50 more?
disappointed |

Just got mine |
I can't put my new Edge down...well long enough to write this review!
Anonymous |

Just say yes to Visor |
Wonderfull product
Anonymous |

Handspring yes! |
You have hit a home run with the Edge
Anonymous |

My thoughts |
This thing gets my top recommendation
Anonymous |

Cases |
I just received my leather zippered case. The Edge fits great with the metal cover on. Much more compact than anything going! Great product
Anonymous |